Saturday, August 29, 2009

Busking and Potluck

So it's the weekend in Ashland. What do people do with their free time? Well i'll tell you what I did. First, I went with Chuck to a Farm Auction nearby. The land and house was up for auction, along with all the farm stuff, tools and such. There were two auctioneers wearing ten gallon hats and they sure sounded like Auctioneers!

Then I went into town and played guitar at the Farmer's Market for an hour or so. I made $25, a peach, and a melon. It was really fun. Then it was off to the park to play guitar for a bunch of cute bridesmaids waiting for the bride to finish with the pictures. And finally, to a Potluck, where I met Cat, this South African who's been living in Israel the last couple of years in Shacharut, which is in the Southern Negev desert region, a really remote town which is mostly comprised of homes made from natural local materials earth, stone, etc. It's a place I've always wanted to visit since I first heard about it. Anyway, she's been travleing in america the last couple of months, wound up here in ashland with family friends. she's pretty cool and spiritual. there was also this Woman who told me how she and her husband and their 13 year old daughter WWOOFed in New Zealand for a whole year, over Forty hosts! I want to wwoof at some point in New Zealand and Australia, so it's good to connect with people who know the good places from the bad.

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